Funkadelphia Exclusive Premier:
Vibe Street - Keep On the Grass EP |
Name Your Price
August 16th, 2014
by Kyle Taylor
It’s nothing short of an honest pleasure to see an artist come from their beginnings, through a steady climb of hard work and perseverance, and reach the point of not only being an established artist, but an original and quality one at that. Some may not know, but the grass-hop mastermind we now know as Vibe Street first began his career under a different name: Dasein. That was when Funkadelphia first caught wind of this amazing, young, gifted mind. Dasein already provided a unique approach to the glitch-hop and electro soul music field, offering laid-back beats topped off with meticulous and selectively chosen glitched out bass sub-levels.
After relocating to Colorado, it seemed Ben Davis (aka Vibe Street) saw the entire move as a fresh start. For his music especially. Sure, the same inspiration to blend hip-hop, electronic, and acoustic elements remains steady between both Dasein and Vibe Street songs. In fact, those originally Dasein productions can now be found on Vibe Street’s own soundcloud, and they can be heard still in his live performances. But this was the point when the term “grass-hop” really began to gain some momentum. Branding the term for his music, Vibe Street embarked on a new mission.
It’s been amazing to see the Vibe Street name grow from its origin point to what it is now. With multiple singles, mixes, remixes, a full-length album (The Road to Something Perfect), and as of today, a brand new EP, Vibe Street is gaining new

Album artwork by Tommy Adesso
fans quicker than he can put out new music. This summer he’s taken the stage at Summer Camp, Wakarusa, Sonic Bloom and F.A.R.M. Fest, with Art Outside still on the horizon in October.
One thing has proven true about Vibe Street since our very first meeting: this is one hell of an inspired person, and one that’s exuding nothing but drive and passion. His latest release, the "Keep On the Grass" EP does the idea perfect justice. Loaded with non-stuff tunes that are guaranteed to bring a smile to your face (even if you’re as stone-faced as Samuel L. Jackson), the new EP is the perfect way to round out the summer. These tracks are sitting on your front porch watching the sun come up while you listen to the birds wake up the world. They’re laying on your back in a park, starring at the stars while the fireflies dance around freely. They’re beautiful memories. They’re inspiration. They’re heart-warming.
For more on Vibe Street, be sure to read our interview with the Elvis of grass-hop HERE!
In celebration of grassroots artists, and all the creativity that is continuously brimming from new, evolving minds, Vibe Street hosted a contest for independent graphic designers to create and submit their own visions of the Keep On the Grass EP album artwork. Tommy Adesso from Colorado was selected as the winner, his artwork being featured with the official release.
Vibe Street - Website // Soundcloud // Bandcamp // Facebook // Twitter
Funkadelphia Exclusive Premier: Vibe Street - "Stay on the Grass" EP – FREE Download!!
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