Vibe Street - The Road to Something Perfect |
FREE New Album, Plus Artist Interview
April 15th, 2014
by Kyle Taylor

I’ve always been impressed with Vibe Street‘s work. Whether he was putting together a remix just burning with good vibes, kicking out some funky bass, or laying down some smooth beats, he’s always working with something nice. After a lot of anticipation, and a breathtaking first single, “Something More”, the now Colorado, then Connecticut, producer’s debut album has finally dropped. The record, The Road To Something Perfect, is packed with twelve tracks featuring a variety of sounds including hip-hop, electro soul, glitch-hop, but most importantly, bluegrass. Rich with a particular fully folk feel, the album truly has roots of its own.
We were lucky enough to catch up with Vibe Street following his performance at Snowball Festival 2014. He speaks on his origins and experiences, production styles, inspiration, process and more. Check out the full interview below and grab the full album on a stream and download after.
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Vibe Street - The Road To Something Perfect -- FREE Download!!
Funkadelphia Picks: "Moonlight Feels", "Something More", "'Till I'm Gone" & "Always Beautiful"
Funkadelphia: "So you're currently based out of Colorado, correct?
Have you always live there, or where else have you lived?"
Vibe Street: "I have actually only lived in Colorado since December of last year, so just over 4 months now. I am originally from Connecticut and spent 4 years at school in Boston. I moved back home to Connecticut for a year after graduating, and then moved out to Wisconsin (everyone asks why- I wanted to get away from the North East and live somewhere that the cost of living would allow me to focus a good deal of time on music). Come November 2013, I could do no longer resist the awesomeness that seemed to exist in Colorado, so I packed everything up and drove out here to stay."
Funkadelphia: "How has living in these different places affected your music, if at all?"
Vibe Street: "It wasn't until halfway through my education at Tufts University in Boston that I even started making music. I had gone to Bonnaroo for my second straight year- 2010- and was introduced to Bassnectar. I returned home from that trip and Googled 'how do I make beats on my computer?' I started to teach myself the very basics of production in Ableton Live and delved into the world of interesting electronic music, slowly training myself to learn from the music as I listened. This was all while taking on a rigorous course load and finishing my degrees in philosophy and entrepeneurial business.
The more I learned, the more I also realized how deep the rabbit holw was and how much I needed to learn in orded to actually make anything worthwhile. At the start of 2012, I decided that when I graduated I would move back home to Connecticut and take the Master Producer Course at Dubsport Music Academy in New York City, where I met a lot of inspiring people and most importantly, fine-tuned my understanding of mixing. This was also around the time I released my first song, 'Purple Stuff', and was was covered by my first music blog: Funkadelphia!
I then moved out to Wisconsin where I was able to get some performance experience, playing alongside Artifakts on the main stage at Infrasound 2013. I also got to be involved in the pre-party for the Pretty Lights Red Rocks show and played an afterparty that weekend as well. It was during these shows when I noticed the different type of reaction the people had to my Railroad Eart remix, and I decided to focus my energy towards this 'grass-hop/future folk' style. I started the album in Wisconsin and finished it in my first few months in Denver, just in time for my Snowball [Music Festival] set. Cannot say enough about Denver, though, the music scene along with the weather, mountains, and people are truly inspiring and motivating creatively."
Funkadelphia: "Do you have any sort of backgound with music- either other
musicians in the family, music lessons growing up, or anything else?"
Vibe Street: "I played guitar until I was 13, but quit because I didn't enjoy practicing. Didn't do anything else musically until I opened up Ableton just over 3 years ago. Had to learn every aspect from scratch, but at least I was able to learn it in a way that was relevant to what I was trying to accomplish."
Funkadelphia: "Have you learned any instruments since starting the Vibe Street project?"
Vibe Street: "I really want to learn to play the harmonica well enough to have it on stage with me. If only there were more hours in the day."
Funkadelphia: "Have you always been interested in electronic music as a medium?"
Vibe Street: "I was always into rap, and it wasn't until I got into more instrumental/electronic hip-hop that I realized I was way more excited about the beats than I was the lyrics, even though the lyrics were all I used to pay attention to. I was hooked on the idea of hip-hop beats with all the intrigue and attitude of a great rap song, but without the rapper- just using funky melodies and vocal chops to make the music interesting."
Funkadelphia: "Who are some artists that have been big inspirations to you,
both inside and outside of electronic music?"
Vibe Street: "Well, 'Nectar introduced me to the scene, so gotta give him credit. But what really hooked me was Pretty Lights and Michal Menert, with a little Opiuo, GRiZ, Gramatik, and a touch of Emancipator...and then bands like STS9, String Cheese [Incident], and Railroad Earth really opened my mind to creating something new and different."
Funkadelphia: "In the past, you've released a lot of single track and remixes, with this being your first full album, your debut. How was the process of putting together a cohesive piece like this different than when you're just working on these individual tracks?"
Vibe Street: "I really felt like I was ready for an album when I had a collection of songs that sounded cohesive production-wise and also represented a meaningful period in my life. 'The Road To Something Perfect' was started after I packed up my car and headed out to Wisconsin to simply see what life would bring, and then continued as I kept on that journey to Colorado. I finally felt like the production was tight enough on all of the tracks to release them together."
Funkadelphia: "Were there any particular elements you were
trying to keep consistently present in the record?"
Vibe Street: "I wanted every track to have some relation to bluegrass, folk, or jam, because that is what I feel like really sets this apart from everything else I have heard. Whether it's just a vocal sample or mandolin track, I wanted to give each track at least a hint of that flavor while still keeping each one unique."
Funkadelphia: "Did you have any particular goals you
wanted to achieve when working on the album?"
Vibe Street: "Not really... it started as an EP, but I wasn't satisfied with 3 of the 6 tracks, so I just kept working and built upon the 3 I really loved. By the time I really thought about what I wanted to do with it, I had 9 or 10 tracks with a couple more in the works and figured, why not make it all a debut full-length album. Then it was just listening to each track over and over again to make sure I was satisfied with all the tiny details. I mixed and mastered everything myself, so this album was produced from start to finish in my basement."
Funkadelphia: "There's a lot of audible instrumentation on the album.
Was any of this live instrumentation?"
Vibe Street: "As of right now, all samples. I used all pieces from bluegrass CDs from all eras and a handful of other genres. I am very excited to start working with live instrumentation in the future, though."
Funkadelphia: "Thanks so much. I really love the album and am looking forward to more Vibe Street releases i the future. Anything else you would like to say?"
Vibe Street: "Nothing more than thank you for the support as always! Funkadelphia has been with me from the very beginning. I see my music and this project as a grass roots movment, spreasing across the country and hopefully the world one happy fan at a time. Thank you for the contribution, and I cannot wait to swee where everything ends up."