Spundose - World That We Order EP [Street Ritual] | Plus Artist Interview
May 2nd, 2017
by Kyle Taylor

World That We Order is the third and final EP of psy-bass producer Spundose‘s trilogy. Displaying themes of creative evolution and mastery of his unique style, the release unleashes a powerful new arsenal of sounds that ascend the producer to a new height of sonic craftsmanship. Along with new grooves that compliment his rhythms flawlessly, this sound design displays Chris Johannesen’s (Spundose) exploration into new territories not previously exhibited in his previous two EPs. This is undoubtedly a bi-product of the dedication and commitment Spundose has for his vision. Every bassline, every rhythmic phrase is so meticulously arranged that when listening to the World That We Order EP in its entirety, one forgets it’s a collection of songs as each one accents the next with total fluency.
Follow the links below to listen to the World That We Order EP, and read the interview below to get inside the mind of this talented producer!
Spundose - Soundcloud • Bandcamp • Facebook • Twitter • Instagram
Spundose - World That We Order EP [Street Ritual] -- Buy The EP
Complete Interview:
Funkadelphia: "What made you want to isolate the music on this and
your previous two EPs as a collection; and do you feel there are any
particular characteristics that separate them from your older works?"
Spundose: "Initially all three were going to be released this past summer as one release called ‘Tones That We Broadcast’- a phrase which people familiar with my music might recognize from “Vector Them In”, the first song on my ‘Relatives’ release. I’m not sure where the idea of splitting it up came from, but once that happened I guess they were still linked up together in my head, and either way it was a fun experience to figure out and manifest the trilogy aspect.
I think it is interesting how presentation has a huge effect on perception, and so it will mainly be the listener who is drawing conclusions about what’s up with the titles and cover art, and how are the releases linked, and how does it relate to the rest of my Spundose discography. I want Spundose to stimulate imaginations; so beyond the sounds themselves, I try to bring that vibe to the song/album titles and cover art as well. Generally speaking, we the people broadcast the tones, whether in sonic [or] visual wavelength, which shakes up the mainstream matrix conditioning, thereby allowing us to create a world that we order ourselves- rather than some sort of unknown 1% of the 1% cabal, which is the likely scenario in this global reality."
Funkadelphia: "What sort of progression, if any, have your seen in your production technique and abilities from the first EP in the triolgy to this last one?"
Spundose: "When you produce music on a daily basis, you will naturally be improving steadily. This past summer I felt they were all at around the same place, but it was clear to see that the songs for the 2nd two releases got better and better as I worked on them, and it made me happy about the decision to break the releases up. It’s definitely important to be able to “finish” a project, but it is amazing how there can pretty much always be room for improvement in any song. I think as the releases went on, they were a little bit better, and I’d hope people listening will have the same experience."
Funkadelphia: "Have you always been focussed on electronic music,
or did you have any other musical projects prior to Spundose?"
Spundose: "No, I wasn’t always focused on electronic. I grew up listening to stuff my parents played. The Beatles, Phil Collins, Peter Gabriel, Genesis, Pink Floyd, Paul Simon, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, Talking Heads, and a lot of classical music-as in Mozart, and Beethoven, et cetera.
I went through a good techno-trance phase in the late 90’s. Then junior high I got into alternative rock a la early Incubus and 311. My mind was blown next by Parliament’s Mothership Connection and I entered the world of funk, which led me in college to jazz, fusion music and progressive rock of all kinds- then avant garde stuff such as John Zorn, Bill Laswell, David Torn, and Buckethead. I think around 2007 I heard Shpongle for the first time and delved heavy into this modern psy music. I was in a few different bands as a guitar player in high school and college, nothing that panned out very much."
Spundose - Matrix That We Shake EP (Trilogy Pt. II) [Street Ritual]
Funkadelphia: "Did you grow up in a musical family,
or do you have any formal music training?"
Spundose: "No one in my family is a serious musician, but it is definitely a music-loving family. I am really grateful to my parents for exposing me to so much awesome music, taking my brother and I to see classical music concerts, et cetera.
I started playing guitar in junior high school and took some lessons with a local guru of sorts, learning scales and basic music theory. My initial aspiration in college was to be a jazz guitar major, but I felt late since I hadn’t learned to read music or play in the jazz band in high school. The late feeling was compounded by not getting into music theory for my first two semesters. I decided to do something that I loved and came naturally, which was reading and writing, so I majored in English. I’ve since thought it was pretty funny I ended up gravitating to music after all, late or not, for better or worse… definitely for better."
Funkadelphia: "Do you think the visual art in your area- specifically Alex Grey's CoSM [Chapel of Sacred Mirrors]- has played a role of influence in your music?"
Spundose: "Nope. I think their work is awesome of course. I went there once to see Tipper, and I would love to be able to share my sounds there at some point.
I guess I feel my inspiration is mostly from being such an avid listener for a long time of a really eclectic array of music, forging a path as a guitar player, and then basically transferring that motive to my music production work. Besides just feeling compelled to make music, it might sound weird to some people, but I think my main inspiration is from reading – Philip K. Dick, Neal Stephenson, H.P. Lovecraft, William Gibson; you’ll definitely recognize a good bunch of my song titles if you delve into these authors."
Funkadelphia: "What do you have coming up this summer;
anything specific you'd like to mention?"
Spundose: "I’ll be at Elements Lakewood Camping Festival in [Pennsylvania] on Memorial Day Weekend. I’ll be at Satellite Ranch Music & Arts Festival in September – that is all I have announceable right now."
Spundose - Tones That We Broadcast EP (Trilogy Pt. 1) [Street Ritual]