Interview with Greg Ormont (Pigeons Playing Ping Pong), Plus New Album Announcement
May 19th, 2014
by Kyle Taylor

Philadelphia is popping off this week with plenty of great events and shows for all you music fans out there. Earlier this week we released a full preview of the weekend, detailing all the upcoming wonderful performances. The kickstarter for the weekend is Pigeons Playing Ping Pong’s show at North Star Bar on Thursday, May 22nd. The Baltimore group has been annihilating venues with funky dance grooves for several years now. After their debut "FUNK EP", the flock returned to the studio to put forth their newest creation, "Psychology", the band’s latest studio album, which will be released July 3rd. We were able to catch up with one of the birds, Greg Ormont, contributor of guitar and vocals for the band. Be sure to check out the details on the new album, along with plenty of other insight into the Pigeons Playing Ping Pong project below.
Pigeons Playing Ping Pong
Website // Bandcamp // Facebook // Twitter
@ North Star Bar - Event Page // Buy Tickets ($10)
Funkadelphia: "How long has Pigeons Playing Ping Pong
been together as a cohesive group now?"
Greg Ormont: "First of all, thanks for calling us a cohesive group. Our first practice as a foursome was in December 2007 at the University of Maryland, and Jeremy and I have been playing together since the day we met in fall 2006."
Funkadelphia: "Did you grow up in a musical household?
Who are some artists you were listening to growing up?"
Greg Ormont: "My house wasn't overtly 'musical' per say, but we definitely listened to music all the time, like at the dinner table. I grew up on classic rock- Eric Clapton, The Who, Pink Floyd. Being from Long Island, I also got a lot of Billy Joel, along with Elton John, Stevie Wonder, Sting, that sort of thing."
Funkadelphia: "When did you first get instrumented in playing music?"
Greg Ormont: "I've been performing on stage since I can remember. I was the 'doggy in the window' in the kindegarten circus and never looked back. Playing guitar came way later. I first started getting a real itch to play live in my early college years."
Funkadelphia: "Who would you say inspires you now?"
Greg Ormont: "Every source available, from young bands like Tauk and Twiddle, to classics like Phish and Talking Heads. We listen to a lot of different music in the van, from Chick Corea to Les Claypool and Air."
Funkadelphia: "Do you play any other instruments?"
Greg Ormont: "Balloons. And sax, piano, and the recorder."
Funkadelphia: "Do you think you develop better musical ideas in the studio
or during your live performances?"
Greg Ormont: "Live for me, without a doubt. I'm not a huge fan of the studio, at least for playing guitaar. It's too sterile. I play better when everyone's energy is in the air and we're all working together to achieve a great moment, both musically and beyond."
Funkadelphia: "Does Pigeons Playing Ping Pong have any releases hitting us soon?"
Greg Ormont: "Abso-freaking-lutely! Our next album, 'Psychology', comes out July 3rd at the 9:30 Club in [Washington] DC and will be available at, iTunes, Spotify, et cetera.
Words can't express how stoked we are to have a new studio album out; the Flock deserves high quality!"
Funkadelphia: "Well thanks a lot for your time!
Anything else you'd like to say to the fans?"
Greg Ormont: "We love Philly! We're sorry to see The Blockley closed; we really enjoyed that venue. We hope our Philly Flock comes out strong at our first show at North Star Bar. These birds are looking for a new nest!
Also, check out Domefest, our 2-day music and camping festival at Trip's Farm in beautiful Terra Alta, West Virginia, featuring two sets of Pigeos, Twiddle, The Mantras, Turkuaz (with a second set performing 'Stop Making Sense'), BIG Something, Yellow Dubmarine, and many other great up-and-comers! All info is at
Thanks for reaching out!"